I’ve been fighting the most horrible cold ever. I’ve been dragging myself to and from work and managing to make it through the days for the most part, but I’ve played almost no poker and written nothing whatsoever for the blog. However, I’m sure that I’ve turned the corner and I’m going to try to get my act together on both counts in the next few days.
If you haven’t done so already, you should get yourself to a newstand and check out the current issue of Bluff Magazine. It has the account of the Big Game between Andy Beal and the coalition of poker pros known as the Corporation. The current installment covers the first round where Andy cleaned out the pros completely. It is written by the same guy who wrote The Professor, The Banker and the Suicide King and it is excellent. It is the first poker magazine I ever bought and worth every cent.
Also, GSN announced Season Two of High Stakes Poker. Easily the best poker on TV and the second place show isn’t close. I am always very happy when TiVo pops up with a new episode. I’m hoping Phil H has a total melt-down this week.