I took up Full Contact Poker’s offer to give me a microscopic share of Daniel’s winnings if I wear their hat and I’m meeting them today to collect a bunch of gear.
I arrived just in time to miss Matthew busting out of the $1,500 PL event. I did get to watch him collect a big fat wad of cash, so that was probably almost as good. We went to a bar and talked about poker, ITH and T.J. Cloutier (who was tossing money away at the craps table as we watched). I’m getting caught up in the excitement of the room full of poker players. It really is jumping over there!
I’ll probably play some SnG or supers today to get in the right mindset for tomorrow. I’ve double-checked and I should be able to post updates on my blog from the poker room pretty easily. Stay tuned!
I’m also going to check out the new room at the Venetian today. It is supposed to be very nice.