Category: live updates
May 31, 2008 Phone call
May 31, 2008 Phone call
May 30, 2008 Phone call
I’ve played a little bit of poker, but am hopelessly off the pace. I think I’m at 4,100 FPP at this point. I’m about to fly off to New York, so I will probably not play this weekend at all. On the plus side, the kitchen is nearly done. We’re probably going to get different outlet covers, refinish the floors and need to do a few trim items, but it is nearly there.
We’re pleased with the granite (click for high-res):
Podcasting temporarily
I’m still working on a solution that will be a bit more elegant in terms of putting each podcast neatly within its own individual post, but at a minimum, you should be able to clik on the little podcast deal on the right and hear my phone updates live from Las Vegas when I head out there for the WSOP. It appears that it will simply start by playing the most recent update and keep playing until it hits the oldest one.
As best I can tell, it will also post a link to the original podcast source once per day that will let you look at the date/time stamp of each one. Matthew Hilger turned me on to this particular podcast technology. I think he got it from Rizen.  I notice that Elmo is playing with it too, so hopefully one of us will figure out a way to make it extra-beautiful.