live updates

Podcasting temporarily

I’m still working on a solution that will be a bit more elegant in terms of putting each podcast neatly within its own individual post, but at a minimum, you should be able to clik on the little podcast deal on the right and hear my phone updates live from Las Vegas when I head out there for the WSOP.  It appears that it will simply start by playing the most recent update and keep playing until it hits the oldest one.

As best I can tell, it will also post a link to the original podcast source once per day that will let you look at the date/time stamp of each one.  Matthew Hilger turned me on to this particular podcast technology.  I think he got it from Rizen.   I notice that Elmo is playing with it too, so hopefully one of us will figure out a way to make it extra-beautiful.

By Nsidestrate

I'm a hard-core limit ring game poker player who is becoming a degenerate sports bettor. I'm sure it will all make more sense if you read on.